Land Registry-Compliant Plans
Epic Surveys Limited specialises in producing scaled plans which comply with the requirements of the Land Registry. These plans can represent land/property parcels or individual properties and plots of land, which can be accurately demised and used for a range of purposes including:
- Evidence of title
- Ownership or possession transactions
- Boundary/parcel alterations
- Lease plans
These plans can be produced for both domestic and commercial clients.
Typical Clients
- Property Owners
- Property Lessors/Lessees
- Property Portfolios
- Architects
- Solicitors
- Property Agents (Commercial & Domestic)
Boundary Surveys
Epic Surveys Limited specialises in boundary surveys resulting in scaled plans which comply with the requirements of the Land Registry. These plans can represent the boundaries of land/property parcels or individual properties and plots of land, which can be accurately demised and used for a range of purposes including:
- Evidence of Title
- Conveyance Plans
- Boundary Dispute Resolution
- Lease Plans
Boundary surveys are carried out for both domestic and commercial clients.
Typical Clients
- Property Owners
- Property Lessors/Lessees
- Property Portfolios
- Solicitors
- Property Agents (Commercial & Domestic)
Surveys for Planning Applications
In many cases where planning permission is being applied for, a key part of the application proposal will be a measured survey which can be used to show the existing situation, and as a base for depicting a proposed development and its likely impact upon the surroundings. Location, height and proximity of neighbouring features and buildings, road visibility splays and similar relevant aspects can all be addressed using accurate measured survey data and plans.
Typical Clients
- Property Owners/Developers (Commercial & Domestic)
- Architects
- Planning Consultants
- Housing Developers
- Building Contractors
- Solicitors
- Private Individuals